
WEDDING BELLS: Congratulations to Joseph Brennan Cortober Arva and Mary Leddy Gurteen Arva who were united in the ceremony of matrimony in the church of the Immaculate Conception Coronea on Saturday 31st March by Fr Eamonn Briden. The bride was given in marriage by her brother Adrian attended by bridesmaid Kathleen Leddy. Best man David Brennan. To celebrate the occasion a very enjoyable reception was held in the Kilbracken Arms Hotel Carrigallen Co Leitrim. We wish Joseph and Mary many years of good health and happiness in their married life together.

LOTTO: Gowna GAA Development Fund Co Lotto Draw results. Date 10/04/2012. 17,22,27,28. 5 X 20 euro winners Adrian Hudson Dernaferst; Paddy Smith c/o Christy Madden; Anthony Baxter Ballmachugh; Samantha & Wayne Wicklow; Wayne McCarthy Wicklow. Next week's jackpot 6950 euro. Next week's draw in Fitzpatrick's Tavern.

TABLE QUIZ: Cortober National School annual table quiz will take place on Friday 20th April in the Pikers Lodge Hotel at 8.30pm. Separate prizes for childrens table. Your support would be much appreciated.

ACTIVE AGE: Loch Gowna Active Age Social afternoon on Tuesday 24th April. Bus will leave village at 12.30pm for lunch outing. If you are travelling please leave your name at the post office or contact Rose or May on 043 6683101 before Sunday 22nd April.

SYMPATHY: Sympathy is extended to John Brady, Ann Keegan and Alice Gaffney Aughavains Loch Gowna,Rose Mary Keith Arva and Alan Sloane Loch Gowna on the recent death of their aunt Mrs Ethel Simpson Stonepark Roscommon. Also Sympathy to Ethal's sons Lional and Howard, daughters Jennifer relatives and friends. May she rest in peace.

MOTHER and daughter's lunch: The Mother and daughters lunch will take place on Sunday 22nd April. Special guest on the day RTE's Mary Kenny. This annual event which takes place at Lough Rynn Castle is held in aid of Longford Womens Link . Tickets include champagne reception lunch. Tickets include champagne reception, lunch entertainment prizes goody bags and return transport from Longford town.

FISHING COMPETITION: Loch Gowna an Upper Erne Anglers will host a Junior Open Boat Pike Fishing Competition on Saturday 21st April on Derries Lake. Fishing from 12-4pm. Life jackets will be provided. Valuable fishing tackle prizes. Barbecue on lakeshore following competition.

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