North Bay city politicians vowed in front of an overflowing crowd to fight the provincial government's decision to sell off the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC).
At a special meeting of council March 26, ONTC supporters filled council chambers and an adjoining lobby to capacity. A few held up signs declaring 'Ontario Northland not for sale' while others wore jackets with union crests.
"We're ready for the fight," said one man before the meeting started, while a cellphone ring tone of a train whistle was quickly muted.
They listened as each member of council voiced their sense of betrayal and disappointment at the announcement made March 23, in Sudbury, about the divestiture of the ONTC.
"I believe I might be out of order but the (Dalton) McGuinty government has given up on Northern Ontario," said Coun. Peter Chirico.
The decision to sell off the business lines was done with no consultation and he asked whether it was preconceived and predetermined some time ago.
"We are all here to support you. We will not take this lying down," he said. "Council is behind you and we will fight with you."
Coun. Mike Anthony said prior news that a strategic alliance might have been in the works with the ONTC and Metrolinx, also a provincial government agency, was positive.
"I thought the announcement (on March 23) was of that strategic alliance," he said. "But the government can reverse this decision. It's been done in the past."
Some members of council referred to a pledge, signed by McGuinty in 2002, that he would not privatize the ONTC.
"I was flabbergasted (March 23)," said Coun. George Maroosis. "I was there when McGuinty signed that pledge."
Brian Kelly, chairman of the General Chairpersons' Association representing all unions at the ONTC, told council his members were devastated by the news that will have a long-term negative impact.
"It's the province's first Crown agency," he said. "This isn't a win."
When the announcement was made, the government cited stagnant ridership numbers, but Kelly said ridership was up.
"It's a lie and not stagnant. Per capita, we move more people than VIA Rail."
- Mar 28 Wed 2012 10:11
ONTC supporters 'ready for the fight'