
Premium handbags and accessories is one of the fastest growing segments in the overall luxury market. After declining in 2009 due to economic slowdown, the market grew in 2012 compared to previous year. This growth is being driven by rise in disposable income, expanding middle class,growing preference for branded products and rising number of wealthy consumers worldwide. Moreover, the handbag market encompasses dynamic players and an expanding consumer base, which is expected to flourish due to increasing demand from emerging markets and strong performances by the international luxury brands.Discover the largest collection of gucci handbags for women. Countries like China and India with rising high net worth individuals (HNWIs) and high purchasing power among working women will boost the market growth in future years. New channels like E-Commerce or online shopping have become popular mainly driven by consumers looking for good bargains. Categories such as top-handle bags, totes and cross-body bags remained popular.

The market for high-end luxury handbags is highly competitive.Guarantee High quality replica watches supply, Thousands of luxury designer cheap replica watches that compliments your Style. Coach Inc is the market leader in the US luxury handbag market. Other major players include Michael Kors, Burberry, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Gucci,There are numerous diversified high heels at christian louboutin boots for sale. Hermes and Chanel. Most of the companies are responding to the growing competition by developing high profile product launches, stimulating purchases through strong promotions and investing in remodeled stores and shop-in-shops at department stores.

The present report titled Global Handbags Market: 2013 Edition discusses the global market for luxury handbags, as well as trade of handbags worldwide. The report presents a detailed analysis of the US handbag market, discussing sales, pricing trend, and trade statistics. Also, the report presents a short discussion on one of the emerging handbag market, the Asia Pacific. The report analyzes some of the major drivers as well as trends prevailing in the global handbags market. Three major players operating in the handbags industry worldwide are profiled, focusing on their business, financials and growth strategies.

A Paterson woman was arrested Monday for allegedly selling thousands of fake designer handbags out of a Clifton storefront disguised as a Halal butcher shop.

According to a joint statement from Passaic County Sheriff Richard Berdnik and Clifton Police Chief Gary Giardina, Clifton Officer Adam Droubi was on Crooks Avenue when he noticed customers leaving the market with shopping bags full of purses.

He found the doors to the business blocked by peg boards, but looked inside to see dozens of women's handbags.

Eventually,Buy Michael Kors Bags with big discount and free shipping! an employee invited him inside and began to show him bags bearing the trademarks of Coach, Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors, Chanel and others. The worker also quoted him prices "which he immediately recognized as inconsistent with the true prices of designer women's bags," Berdnik and Giadiana said.

As the investigation continued, employees eventually confessed that the bags were fakes, and the shop's owner, 38-year-old Cynthia Bascope, was advised that they would be seized.

In all, detectives took more than 1,475 items from the shop, including sunglasses, belts, watches, suitcases, wallets and cell phone cases. Representatives of the designer brands were also called in to verify that the inventory was counterfeit, Berndik and Giardina said.

Bascope, who also goes by Cynthia Mansilla, was arrested and charged with possessing and offering for sale counterfeit goods.Welcome to buy christian louboutin shoes from our online store. She is being held in the Passaic County Jail in lieu of $300,000 bond, authorities said.

She is the latest Passaic County shopkeeper to be busted for selling counterfeit goods over recent weeks.

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