Sir William Osler, father of modern medicine, rightly said that one should treat as many patients as possible with a new drug,Shop this season's new christian louboutin sandals now. while it still has the power to heal. This is because there is wisdom in it — since most of us would believe that the medicine prescribed for a given, or not given, illness will cure, or at least help us to manage the condition.
This is the raison d’être of the placebo effect. The placebo effect has always existed, although it is grabbing newspaper headlines of late. We all know what the whole thing is — taking an inactive ‘dummy’ pill, or an injection of saline,One of the most popular ones are fake watches, cheap rolex watches illegally produced copies of authentic Rolex watches. can bring about ‘healing’ effects. This is how it works — when patients in pain respond to the innocuous treatment, which they believe works, they feel relieved and healed after taking the ‘medicine,’ which they do not know is placebo, or ‘replica’ pill.Buy Cheap Michael Kors Bags with big discount and free shipping! It’s a different thing if patients were malingering that they had pain, although they were never in pain. Well, if this wasn’t the case, the valid question is: how could their pain be relieved by a ‘dormant’ placebo?
Agreed that in the good old days, the placebo effect was, for most conventional physicians, evidence enough of untrustworthy, devious and undependable patients. This may, of course, not have been the only reality, or the sum total certainty, because nobody assigned such ‘healing’ feelings to patients. In recent times, the verdict is — for patients who are in pain and perceive what they claim to feel,It's certainly no secret that I have a tendency to totally stay away from the replica handbags. the placebo effect is something profound and real.
This is not all. It is now believed that the conventional medical establishment was simply too unwilling to understand it. For obvious reasons. For far too long, it never gave its ‘ear’ to the mind-body connect — the part of the whole and sum of the parts, which is so powerfully linked that the belief that something will work can actually activate biochemical mechanisms, within the mind-brain-body systems, to accomplish what the actual drug, if not placebo, was intended to do.
Research has fascinatingly, although reluctantly, found new-old, or old-new, evidence of the eternal truth that has been known, for aeons, by native or spiritual traditions — that our minds and higher consciousness, or conscious awareness, can influence not only our emotional, but also physical being. Interestingly, the reverse holds good too — because certain events in our lives, when interpreted by our minds, as positive or negative, will have an intense impact upon our body’s immune system, or defences.
More recently, research in the rapidly-expanding area of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) has provided scientific evidence, as also validity — the proof of the mind-body connect. This was paradoxically something that was for long denied by scientists — not any more. PNI offers something more intense too — that our bodies have evolved with the innate ability to calm, mitigate anxiety and depression, and provide pain relief or deep, sound sleep.
It is a scientific fact that we are biologically programmed to heal our own anxieties, depression or sleeplessness.Shop the latest prada bags on the world's largest fashion site. It’s another matter that pharma companies ‘engineered’ the precept and percept of synthetic compounds that would ‘bind’ with such natural receptor sites. On the ‘upside,’ pharma researchers did not, of course, ‘invent’ such sites; all they did was to ‘tweak’ the process and activate them. Just imagine, if only one masters the art of tapping one’s own production of peptides, our molecules of emotions, it could lead to a scary prospect. Pharma companies would go kaput. How? Just by the placebo effect!
What’s more, there are also a host of ways for us to ‘up’ our feel-good feelings, or boost the levels of our own mood-altering peptides. Do you not feel good when you exercise, meditate or watch a hilarious, rip-roaring comedy? This is because such healthy activities boost the ‘flow’ of endorphins, the feel-good chemicals in the body.
That placebos have the power to provoke healing has always been a major worry for big pharma. The reason is simple. For pharma to ‘beat’ the placebo at its own game calls for enormous investment, not just in terms of research alone. They have to develop and prove that their drug is more effective than a lifeless or ‘cheap’ placebo. This is sometimes easily said than done, because research has shown that placebos can bring about ‘therapeutic’ relief of symptoms in up to 50 per cent of study subjects.
- May 14 Tue 2013 10:59
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